Getting Started

  • Internet Trading V/S Broker Trading

    Online Trading allows investors to place orders on their own through the internet without having to call up a broker and place an order through them.Online trading gives investors greater control over their decisions.They can view real time market activity from anywhere they wish.A single keystroke or click – of -a – mouse executes a buy or sell order.Also, when the order has been completed you receive an instant confirmation of your trade via email.Our site also has research tools available, so customers can get real – time price quotes, news and market analysis, price charts, earnings estimates and historical prices.

  • What is an Internet trading account?

    An Internet trading account is a special type of account designed specifically for individual investors who prefer to use the Internet to place their orders themselves rather than through the broker by telephone.

  • What types of services does Apex Capital Securities (Pvt.) Limited provide?
    We provide Stock Brokerage services only.
  • Do you have an online trading system?

    We have an online trading system and Mobile App Also